Presentation Abstract:
Why Good Projects Fail: Todd Alderman will share his perspective on why projects, that should be successful, fail. Mr. Alderman brings many years of engineering, sales, project management and executive level experience to this presentation and hopes that his experience and lessons learned will help your projects to succeed.
Presenter Biography:
Todd Alderman is the President of Daifuku Airport America Corporation, formerly known as the Jervis B. Webb company. Daifuku is the largest material handling company in the world serving several different industries, including: Airports, Automotive, Intralogistics, and Semiconductor Clean Rooms. Mr. Alderman is responsible for Daifuku’s Airport business which focuses primarily on baggage handling systems, and Automated Guided Vehicles for the North American market. Daifuku has installed baggage handling equipment in 19 of the 20 busiest airports in the US and has successfully completed some of the largest baggage handling construction projects in the US. Mr. Alderman has 29 years of experience with Daifuku in engineering, sales, and construction management
President:Mr. Jason Marentette, PE, CCPPhone: 734-383-1881Email:
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