
The Risk Manager’s Poem (Children’s Book for Risk Managers)

By Rufran Frago posted 11-06-2019 09:31 PM


I have always wanted to write about risk-based management principles in a poetic form. The uncanny characteristic of a poem to send the intended message with amazing clarity catches our senses so that we suddenly become more receptive. We listen more and even unconsciously let down our guard. Our biases disappear to consider the intended message.

Today, I am happy to share some segments of that original 18-stanza rhyme poem of (8-6-8-6 metric). The poem wants to present the fundamental concepts of risk in simple terms that even children can understand.

Nurturing the belief that risk must be the major consideration while managing any endeavor throughout its life cycle is very important. Risk-based management increases the probability of success in achieving organizational and individual objectives. It is inspirational to hear words that rhyme where a line or stanza imparts a meaning using the song-like attributes of an articulated statement.

The command of a poem makes one remember. It helped University students recall difficult formulas in integral and differential calculus. It is real and it does work. I’ve used it a lot during my college years singing “The Integral of u” to the tune of “The Wonder of u.”

Truth of the matter is, we are all risk managers since conception! Risk management is the only thing we do while living, the very reason why our company or client pays us, the reason why we go to work every day. It revolves around everything we do to earn a living, to live the life we want, and to survive however we can. We manage risk even as we prepare to go to sleep, to increase probability that we wake up the next day healthy and refreshed. The amazing thing is, we don’t even realize it!

In this sense, we are all risk managers as we support our very existence. We survive each daily rigors because we are already unconsciously competent of what we do through years of experience and training.

If for some reason we are unable to appreciate this intriguing concept of oneness of purpose, then I guess we are all familiar with risk, but we still really do not know it well enough. It simply means that risk should be the main contemplation by anyone while keeping an eye to achieving objectives. Risk is a primary concern in pursuit of a goal. It is time to be aware of our individual and group capacity to manage risk in a more structured way!

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About the Author:

Rufran C. Frago is the Founder of PM Solution Pro, a Calgary consultingproduct, and training services firm focusing on project and business management solutions. He is passionate providing advice, mentorship, education and training through consultation, collaboration, and what he uniquely calls, student-led training.


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