
Solution to Acumen Fuse Issue - Acumen S2/Diagnostic Phase Ribbon Analyzer rows won't scroll (Why?)

By Rufran Frago posted 04-07-2020 12:21 AM



The Acumen S2/Diagnostic Window ribbon rows won't scroll up. It is fixed on the window page. I’m referring to the rows of the Ribbon Analyzer vs. Timeline (see are where the arrow pointer is). It won't scroll up to show the bottom row where the score is located. Please tell me that this is not actually fixed and that I can do something to get the scrolling feature activated. I’ve asked this same question in the Deltek Support Center but no reply yet. I’m trying to fish for additional answers. Please see attached picture grab.

After reaching out to a Deltek Support person named Josh, who was very helpful, I came to the conclusion that there was no built-in feature on the S2//Diagnostic Window for me to be able to scroll the Phase Analyzer rows to see the SCORE readout at the buttom.  Troubleshooting result: As I was using a small 14" Lenovo Laptop, my default display was scaled to 150% and/or 125%. It was also set to a recommended default resolution of 1920 x 1080. All these settings designed to make the display more readable. The same S2//Diagnostic Window has no viewing issue when using a regular desktop computer. 

SOLUTION: Change the display scale to 100%. I was able to see the last row where the Phase SCORE was but everything was so tiny, I needed a magnifier to read.


ENHANCEMENT REQUESTED FROM DELTEK: Make available a scroll bar on the phase analyzer so we can scroll up and down the row when situation requires us to do so. This will make it easier for us laptop users navigating the window on a scaled up display.

acumenfuse deltekacumen pmsolutionpro pmspblogs pmspquestions acumenfuseissue

