United Kingdom Section Welcome Banner

About AACE United Kingdom Section

Welcome to the AACE United Kingdom Section Microsite!

Dedicated to advancing cost engineering and project controls, we are the AACE Section UK—a dynamic community fostering professional growth and industry excellence.

About Us

  • As an integral part of AACE International (web.aacei.org), our section is committed to driving the principles and standards set forth by this globally renowned association.
  • Founded in 1956, AACE International is recognized as the international authority in Total Cost Management (TCM) and Strategic Asset Management (SAM) through projects, programs and portfolios.
  • AACE International is at the forefront of advancing the skills and knowledge of cost engineering professionals worldwide.

Why Connect with Us?

  • Professional Development: Explore cutting-edge trends, best practices, and industry insights endorsed by AACE International.
  • Networking: Connect with industry leaders, professionals, and enthusiasts globally through the extensive AACE network.
  • Events: Stay informed about workshops, webinars, and social gatherings aligned with AACE's commitment to excellence.
  • Collaboration: Engage in knowledge-sharing and collaborative initiatives in line with AACE's mission.

Our Vision

To be the leading platform in the UK for cost engineering and project controls, upholding the high standards set by AACE International and contributing to the global advancement of our profession.

Join Us in Promoting AACE's Global Mission!

Become part of a renewed community where ideas flourish, connections thrive, and careers soar. Together, let's align with AACE International's vision of shaping the future of cost engineering on a global scale.

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Connect with us here for updates, events, and exciting opportunities, guided by the principles and work of AACE International.

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