AACE Chinook-Calgary January Technical Dinner Meeting

When:  Jan 22, 2025 from 07:30 PM to 10:30 PM (ET)

Social event @ 5:30 to 8:30 MT

 (Dinner and Networking)

Presentation @ 6:30 MT

Presentation: Alberta Energy Industry: What to expect in the next 10 years

  • Oil and gas production and demand forecast-
  • LNG- Alberta vs. US and world energy supply and demand
  • Oil and gas full cycle cost in Canada and other regions
  • Energy transition and how it would affect Alberta: EVs, hydrogen,petrochemicals, data centers
  • Green policies and regulations: what works and what does not
  • Pipeline challenges

Presenter: Lev D.Virine, Ph.D. P.Eng.

Lev D.Virine, Ph.D. P.Eng. is the manager of Intaver Institute Inc., a Calgary-based vendor of project risk management and risk analysis software. Lev has more than 30 years of experience as a structural engineer, software developer, and project manager. In the past 20 years, he has been involved in a number of major projects performed by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to establish effective decision analysis and risk management processes as well as to conduct risk analyses of complex projects.

Lev’s current research interests include the application of decision analysis and risk management to project management. He writes and speaks to conferences around the world on project decision analysis, including the psychology of judgment and decision-making, modelling of business processes, and risk management.

Early Bird - Member: $20 / Non-Member: $30 (till Jan 15th)

Regular - Member: $35 / Non-Member: $45 (after Jan 15th)

Students - $15


cSPACE Marda Loop
1721 29 Avenue Southwest
Calgary, AB AB T2T 6T7