Section Meetings

Hoosier Section 2025 Meetings 

Our social hour and networking begins at 11:30 AM.  
Lunch and presentation will begin at noon pm unless otherwise noted.  
Virtual meeting links are provided for every meeting.  
No charge for virtual attendance. Students are welcome to attend at no charge.
  • February 19 - "The Multiple Schedule Dilemma", a discussion about the impacts of having multiple schedules on a project and how to compile information so that everyone is on the same page” by our Aaron Martin.

    Microsoft Team Meeting Info


    Meeting ID: 574 134 513#

    Passcode: BG3P4c7N

Upcoming Meetings for April, June, August, October & December to be announced

Our meetings are held in the lower level of the Slippery Noodle Inn

(see map below)

Please note that meetings are $35 a person, member or guest.  Students are FREE!
Link to PayPal, Venmo or Credit Card

Directions to the Slippery Noodle Inn