NEC Contracts - An Introduction
Why are they so different?
• Basic introduction to NEC form of contract • Ensure awareness of key strengths • Highlight some key differences from (once) ‘traditional’ contracts • Be aware of pitfalls • So what?
Richard Patterson
NEC4 drafter and Procurement & NEC Specialist at Mott MacDonald
Richard is a chartered civil engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE) and procurement and NEC specialist. He has been with global development, engineering and management consultant, Mott MacDonald for 34 years.
Richard was part of the drafting team for NEC4, was part of the ICE’s working group on procurement, contracts and carbon/net zero and was one of the four-person team that developed NEC’s recently released secondary option X29, Climate change.
Richard leads on NEC for Mott MacDonald and delivers in-house and client training and training for NEC Training, including their 4-day ECC Project Manager accreditation course.
Richard is very keen on getting NEC used more widely and has given NEC training in Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Hong Kong. Ireland, New Zealand, Qatar, Peru, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka and the USA.
In December 2022 and January 2023, he was invited by the Buildings and Construction Authority (BCA) in Singapore to present on NEC at BCA’s annual conference.
Richard has contributed to two NEC books, had 7 NEC papers published in ICE’s Proceedings and sat on the Editorial Advisory Panel of the ICE’s journal, Management, Procurement and Law. He is also a frequent contributor to the NEC website and newsletter (67 articles at the last count and eight in 2023!). Most of his articles are linked from his Linked-in page at:
Mammad Yusubov - Chair @AACE Denmark and Sweden Section Joao Dias - Director @AACE Region 9 Europe and Africa
AACE Denmark and Sweden Section
AACE Region 9 Europe and Africa
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