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  • 1.  DRAFT) EV-28 Developing Work Packages and Planning Packages Posted

    Posted 05-25-2021 05:24 PM
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    Attached for the EVM subcommittee to review is the DRAFT Recommended Practice (RP) EV-28 Developing Work Packages and Planning Packages.

    This RP will be posted for EVM subcommittee review until Friday July 9th 2021.

    Please post your comments, criticisms and recommendations clearly on this forum.

    Thank you all, I look forward to seeing your commentary.


    Dan Melamed CCP EVP
    EVM Subcommittee Chair
    1 (301) 775-7286
    Disclaimer: this e-mail represents the view of its sender. This e-mail was not prepared as a product of the U.S. Government including the Department of Energy; no official endorsement should be inferred.

  • 2.  RE: DRAFT) EV-28 Developing Work Packages and Planning Packages Posted

    Posted 06-03-2021 05:32 PM
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    Good day all,
    A pretty good read and some good prompts / reminders and good practices. Some thoughts / notes and suggestions as follows :-
    1. Section – lines 29-36. Suggestion – It is important to reiterate that the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) or other financial structures should be aligned with the WBS to ensure consistency and optimal application
    2. Section – lines 106-109. SLPPs. Refer last line of 108-109 which reads "They are allocated to control accounts and converted to planning packages at the earliest opportunity". Suggest adding after "at the earliest opportunity", something like – " when scope and data is of sufficient quality and maturity". (This may be obvious to most professionals but is worthwhile to reiterate)
    3. Line 266 – suggest adding after this – "It is further recommended that project managers record each setting of the planning windows and maintain this approach throughout the project life cycle"
    4. Consider adding after Figure 9 (or somewhere appropriate) a note and/or extending Figure 9 to include – DD+12 mths to DD +24 mths Future Resource Planning; reason being some projects extend well beyond the window, and the longer-term window serves as a reminder. It is also possible in some projects where there are similar or repetitive work packages carried out in sequence or with dependencies from one to the other, that a "reminder" for the project manager and project team be included
    Some of the above could possibly be covered elsewhere in other RPs or probably have better ways of wording things, etc but hope it is of use and I am not running off-track. I look forward to hearing from others and reading more comments.


    Donny Lai
    Brisbane, Australia

  • 3.  RE: DRAFT) EV-28 Developing Work Packages and Planning Packages Posted

    Posted 06-04-2021 09:06 AM
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    Suggestions attached as a word document

    Abbas Saifi
    Mississauga ON
    (416) 276-7065


  • 4.  RE: DRAFT) EV-28 Developing Work Packages and Planning Packages Posted

    Posted 07-19-2021 01:19 PM
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    Comments provided in the attached Excel file

    Shoshanna Fraizinger CCP
    Shoshanna Fraizinger Consulting Inc.
    Kincardine ON

  • 5.  RE: DRAFT) EV-28 Developing Work Packages and Planning Packages Posted

    Posted 10-04-2021 10:42 PM
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    Posted for general review is a copy of the presentation, "Spotlight on Draft Recommended Practice EV-28: Development of Work Packages & Planning Packages," which was presented on Wednesday August 25, 2021 as a Webinar from the Toronto (as well as several other sections working in collaboration).

    Also attached are answers to the questions posted during the Webinar.



    Dan Melamed CCP EVP
    Program Analyst
    U.S. Department of Energy
    1 (301) 775-7286
    Disclaimer: this e-mail represents the view of its sender. This e-mail was not prepared as a product of the U.S. Government including the Department of Energy; no official endorsement should be inferred.