AACE Region IV Webinar: Environmental Restoration Cost Estimate Classification

When:  May 4, 2022 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (ET)
AACE Region IV Webinar: Environmental Restoration Cost Estimate Classification

Presentation Topic:

This presentation will discuss environmental restoration cost classification for projects within a regulatory framework that involves development of formal documentation, public input from external stakeholders, and ultimate approval by a regulatory authority. This regulatory framework has a specific focus towards environmental compliance under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The necessary steps of an environmental cleanup will be discussed though six consecutive phases, indicating increasing maturity, described in detail. Also, the reasoning and support for the classification of environmental restoration project cost estimates in relation to their maturity will also be discussed. In addition, the role of risk in environmental remediation projects is discussed.


Dan Melamed CCP, EVP. FAACE
Member Technical Board
National Capital Section Director
AACE International

Bryan Skokan
Senior Cost Engineeer
Project Time & Cost Inc.

*To attend this event, registration is required.  Please click on the following link to register for this event: https://bit.ly/AACERegionIV_050422


Online Instructions:
Url: https://bit.ly/AACERegionIV_050422
Login: Please register for this event by clicking on the link above.