Certified Cost Technician (CCT)
For general total cost management skills, knowledge and professional development.Certified Scheduling Technician (CST)
For general scheduling skills, knowledge, and professional development
Certified Cost Professional (CCP)
For experienced total cost management professionals.Certified Estimating Professional (CEP)
For experienced estimating professionals.Earned Value Professional (EVP)
For experienced earned value professionals.
Planning & Scheduling Professional (PSP)
For experienced planning and scheduling professionals.
Project Risk Management Professional (PRMP)
For skilled and knowledgeable project risk professionals.
Certified Forensic Claims Consultant (CFCC)
For experienced claims professionals and testifying experts working in the construction dispute resolution and litigation support.Decision & Risk Management Professional (DRMP)
For senior-level practitioner who advise organizations on potential risks and assist them with decision making.
ACCE Chinook-Calgary section is here to answer any certification questions or provide help in your pursuit of AACE Certification. Please click the button below for everything certification related.
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