Cost Engineering Journal: The monthly international journal of cost estimation, cost/schedule control, and project management read by cost professionals around the world to get the most up-to-date information about the profession.
Education: Improve your professional expertise and technical skills at AACE educational seminars, the annual meeting, and through regional and local section meetings
The Online Bookstore: Learn all you need to know through AACE International’s first-rate publications that cover key industry-related issues of the cost and project management profession. Purchase Recommended Practices and Standards, PPG’s, Transactions, and all the leading professional estimating books at substantial discounts.
Library: AACE International members receive FREE access to the world’s largest library of cost estimating, cost/schedule control, and project management literature through interlibrary loans, literature searches, and referrals.
Online Information: Members have access to Cost Engineering Journal, references for over 8,000 technical publications, a fully searchable database covering thousands of technical books and papers, updates to latest Recommended Practices and Standards, and much more.
Executive Search and Employment: Find a job in cost/project management through AACE’s employment referral service, resume database, or through an advertisement of your services in Cost Engineering Journal, or on our website.
Professional Development: Increase your knowledge and professional expertise by joining one of AACE’s many technical committees, subcommittees, and special interest groups (SIGs) in their effort to develop new and improved techniques for the profession and in standardizing the practice of total cost management.